Jonas Ljungberg
Professor emeritus
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Competitive devaluations in the 1930s: myth or reality?
Jonas Ljungberg
(2024) Cliometrica, 18 p.151-189
Artikel i tidskriftLes 'dévaluations compétitives' des années 1930: plus un mythe qu'une réalité
Jonas Ljungberg
(2023) Revue d'economie financiere , p.255-255
Artikel i tidskriftEuropean Consumer Price Indices since 1870
Jonas Ljungberg
(2023) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperDiscipline or international balance: the choice of monetary systems in Europe
Jonas Ljungberg
(2022) European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 29 p.218-245
Artikel i tidskriftThe Myth of Competitive Devaluations in the 1930s
Jonas Ljungberg
(2020) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperEconomic integration and exchange rate arrangements in the post-soviet period : The Baltic states in comparative perspective
Jonas Ljungberg
(2020) The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 17
Artikel i tidskriftMachinery prices during the second Industrial revolution : An international comparison of capital goods, 1850 – 1939
Cristian Ducoing, Jonas Ljungberg
KonferensbidragBaltic Integration and the Euro
Jonas Ljungberg
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperDiscipline or external balance? : The choice of international monetary systems in Europe
Jonas Ljungberg, Anders Ögren
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperNominal and Real Effective Exchange Rates for Europe, 1870-2016 : Some methodological issues
Jonas Ljungberg
(2019) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperObituary: Lennart Schön
Kerstin Enflo, Jonas Ljungberg
(2016) European Review of Economic History, 20 p.526-527
Artikel i tidskriftStructural analysis and the process of economic development : essays in memory of Lennart Schön
(2016) Routledge frontiers in political economy, 209
BokThe Gerschenkron effect, creative destruction and structural analysis
Jonas Ljungberg
(2016) Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy, 209 p.78-102
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIntroduction : structural analysis and the process of economic development
Jonas Ljungberg
(2016) Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy, 209 p.1-18
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGrain market integration in the Baltic Sea Region in the 19th century
Fredrik N G Andersson, Jonas Ljungberg
(2015) Journal of Economic History, 75 p.749-790
Artikel i tidskriftGrain Market Integration in the Baltic Sea Region in the Nineteenth Century
Fredrik N G Andersson, Jonas Ljungberg
(2015) Journal of Economic History, 73 p.749-790
Artikel i tidskriftInnovations and Economic Growth in the Swedish Engineering Industry, 1914-2013
Josef Taalbi, Jonas Ljungberg
KonferensbidragSWINNO: A Database of Swedish Innovations, 1970-2007
Karolin Sjöö, Josef Taalbi, Astrid Kander, Jonas Ljungberg
(2014) Lund Papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperDomestic market and international integration: paths to industrialisation in the Nordic countries
Jonas Ljungberg, Lennart Schön
(2013) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 61 p.101-121
Artikel i tidskriftA Scientific Revolution that Made Life Longer. Schooling and the Decline of Infant Mortality in Europe
Jonas Ljungberg
(2013) Économies et Sociétés , p.1159-1183
Artikel i tidskriftAsymmetric trends and European monetary policy in t he Post-Bretton Woods Era
Tony Johansson, Jonas Ljungberg
(2013) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperA Scientific Revolution that Made Life Longer, Schooling and the Decline of Infant Mortality in Europe
Jonas Ljungberg
(2013) Lund Papers in Economic History: Population Economics
Working paperEuron - frälsarkrans eller kvarnsten i krisens Europa?
Tony Johansson, Jonas Ljungberg
(2010) EU och den globala krisen. Europaperspektiv 2010 , p.85-112
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPopulation and Living Standards, 1870-1914
Carol Leonard, Jonas Ljungberg
(2010) The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe, Volume 2: 1870 to the Present p.108-129
Del av eller Kapitel i bokHuman Capital and Economic Growth: Sweden 1870-2000
Jonas Ljungberg, Anders Nilsson
(2009) Cliometrica, 3 p.71-95
Artikel i tidskriftChina in the Global Economy. Failure and Success
Christer Gunnarsson, Jonas Ljungberg
(2008) Thammasat Economic Journal, 26
Artikel i tidskriftEconomic Growth and Change in EU15. As Seen in a Swedish Mirror
Jonas Ljungberg
KonferensbidragReview of A. Martin and G. Ross (eds) - Euros and Europeans. Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004
Jonas Ljungberg
(2006) Journal of European Integration History, 12 p.173-175
BokrecensionThe Secular Decline of Professional Relative Earnings. Evidence and Explanation
Jonas Ljungberg
KonferensbidragWhen and Why Did Sweden Lag Behind? 'Eurosclerosis' Revisited
Jonas Ljungberg
KonferensbidragHuman Capital and Economic Growth: Sweden 1870-2000
Anders Nilsson, Jonas Ljungberg
KonferensbidragThe EMU in a European perspective; Lessons from Monetary Regimes in the Twentieth Century
Jonas Ljungberg
(2004) The Price of the Euro , p.121-141
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEarnings differentials and productivity in Sweden, 1870-1980
Jonas Ljungberg
(2004) Explorations in Economic Growth , p.245-272
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDeflatorn, de tärande och de närande med särskild hänsyn till europeisk tillväxt
Jonas Ljungberg
(2004) Strukturernas dynamik. Kontinuitet och förändring i ekonomisk historia. Festskrift till Olle Krantz , p.81-95
Del av eller Kapitel i bokDid Higher Technical Education Pay?
Jonas Ljungberg
(2004) Technology and Human Capital in Historical Perspective , p.102-119
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTechnology and Human Capital in Historical Perspective: An Introduction
Jonas Ljungberg
(2004) Technology and Human Capital in Historical Perspective , p.1-21
Del av eller Kapitel i bokInledning
Jonas Ljungberg
(2003) Eurons pris. Europeiska forskare om EMU , p.7-43
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNordic Countries: General Overview
Jonas Ljungberg
(2003) The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, 4 p.95-100
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAbout the Role of Education in Swedish Economic Growth, 1867-1995
Jonas Ljungberg
(2002) Historical Social Research, 27
Artikel i tidskriftA revision of the Swedish producer price index, 1968-1993
Jonas Ljungberg
(1999) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperThe impact of the great emigration on the Swedish economy
Jonas Ljungberg
(1997) Scandinavian Economic History Review, 45 p.159-189
Artikel i tidskriftEuropean Market Integration and the Behaviour of Prices, 1850-1914
Jonas Ljungberg
(1996) Lund papers in Economic History. General issues
Working paperPrices and Market Integration : Sweden and Britain during the 19th and 20th Centuries
Jonas Ljungberg
(1994) Lund papers in Economic History. General Issues
Working paperPriser och marknadskrafter i Sverige 1885-1969 : en prishistorisk studie
Jonas Ljungberg
DoktorsavhandlingHistoriska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige: Deflatorer för industriproduktionen 1888–1955
Jonas Ljungberg
(1988) HNS – Historiska nationalräkenskaper för Sverige, 9