Edoardo Altamura
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
The Paradox of the 1970s: The Renaissance of International Banking and the Rise of Public Debt
Edoardo Altamura
(2017) Journal of Modern European History, 15 p.529-529
Artikel i tidskriftBook Review of Edward Morris, Wall Streeters: The Creators and Corruptors of American Finance, Columbia University Press, New York, 2015
Edoardo Altamura
(2017) Businesss History, 59 p.1306-1306
BokrecensionEuropean Banks and the Rise of International Finance: The Post-Bretton Woods Era
Edoardo Altamura
BokCommercial and Financial Services
Mats Larsson, Edoardo Altamura, Youssef Cassis
(2016) The Performance of European Business in the 20th Century
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRecycling Oil Wealth : European Commercial Banks and the Eurodollar Market
Edoardo Altamura
(2016) L’Europe et la question énergétique : Les années 1960/1980
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe Cultural History of Money and Credit: A Global Perspective. Edited by Chia Yin Hsu , Thomas M. Luckett , and Erika Vause . Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2016. xxv + 171 pp. Bibliography, index. Cloth, $80.00. ISBN: 978-1-4985-0592-5
Edoardo Altamura
(2016) Business History Review, 90 p.555-556
BokrecensionA New Dawn for European Banking : The Euromarket, the Oil Crisis and the Rise of International Banking
Edoardo Altamura
(2015) Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte/Journal of Business History, 60 p.29-51
Artikel i tidskriftShizuya Nishimura, Toshio Suzuki, and Ranald Michie, eds., The origins of internationalbanking in Asia: the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2012. Pp. 251. 20 figs. 52 tabs. ISBN 9780199646326 Hbk. £55)
Edoardo Altamura
(2014) Economic History Review, 67 p.317-319
BokrecensionBook Review of Peter Borscheid and Niels Viggo Haueter, World Insurance. The evolution of a Global Risk Network, Oxford University Press, 2012
Edoardo Altamura
(2014) Business History Review, 88 p.412-412
BokrecensionLa banque dans la tourmente : les banques françaises, la Banque de France et le marché de l’euro-dollar
Edoardo Altamura
(2013) Histoire@Politique , p.101-113
Artikel i tidskrift