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Kurser i ekonomisk historia


Vi erbjuder ett stort antal kurser inom vårt ämnesområde som ger oumbärliga och breda kunskaper om ekonomi, samhälle och historia, men som även underlättar förståelsen av många andra ämnen, t ex nationalekonomi, sociologi, statsvetenskap.

När du börjar studera på universitetet läser du kurser på grundnivå. Kurser på grundnivå kan finnas i två nivåer; grundkurser, fortsättningskurser och kandidatkurser. Grundkurserna bygger på kunskaper du fått i gymnasiet, medan kandidatkurser kräver tidigare studier i ekonomisk historia eller motsvarande på universitet eller högskola. Nästa steg är kurser på avancerad nivå, som kräver genomgången utbildning på grundnivå.

Kurser på grundnivå

Grundkurs i ekonomisk historia, 30 hp (EKHA35) HT/VT

Sveriges ekonomiska och sociala historia, 15,0 hp (EKHA23) HT

Världens ekonomiska historia, 15,0 hp (EKHA24) VT

Miljöhistoria ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv, 7,5 hp (EKHA61) HT

Hållbar utveckling - debatt, teori och empiri, 7,5 hp (EKHA62) HT

Teknologisk och social utveckling – Historiska erfarenheter och framtida utmaningar, 7,5 hp (EKHA73) VT

Growth, Stagnation and Inequality in Africa, 7,5 credit points (EKHB21) Autumn
For programme students only.

The Global Economy, 15 credit points, (EKHD02) Autumn, Internet/Distance 

The Emergence of Modern Health Care Systems, 7.5 credit points, (EKHD05) Autumn, Internet/Distance 

Emerging Asia - Economic Transformation in East and South East Asia, 7,5 credit points (EKHE42) Spring

The Rising Giants - China and India Entering the Global Scene, 7,5 credit points (EKHE43) Spring

Climate Crises and Energy Transitions - Past and Present, 7,5 credit points (EKHE44) Autumn

Financial Systems: Development and Crises, 7,5 credit points (EKHE53) Spring

The Rise of Europe and the Atlantic Economy, ca. 1000-1890, 7,5 credit points (EOSE01) Autumn

Colonialism and Economic Change in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 7,5 credit points (EOSE02) Autumn

The Global South - Comparative Economic Development since 1945, 7,5 credit points (EOSE03 ) Autumn

Economic Growth in Modern Europe, North America and the OECD Club, 7,5 credit points (EOSE04) Autumn

Economy and Society: Demographic Challenges, 7,5 credit points (EOSE05) Spring
For programme students only.

Economy and Society: Skill Training 1- Statistics and Data, 7,5 credit points (EOSE06) Spring
For programme students only.

Business and Society - A Dynamic Perspective, 7,5 credit points  (EOSE07) Autumn
For programme students only.

Skill Training 2 - The Art of Writing and Reporting, 7,5 credit points (EOSE08) Autumn
For programme students only.

Regional Development and Growth, 7,5 credit points (EOSE09) Spring
For programme students only.

Global Sustainability, 7,5 credit points (EOSE10) Spring
For programme students only.

Economy and Society: Internship, 30 credit points (EOSE13) Autumn
For programme students only.

Swedish Economic Development, 7,5 credit points (SASE10) Spring

Economic Change, Labour Market and the Population, 7,5 credit points (SASE11) Spring

Family and Work - Scandinavia in an International Perspective, 7,5 credit points (SASE12) Spring

Population Aging and the Welfare State, 7,5 credit points (SASE13) Autumn


Ekonomiska kriser i ett historiskt perspektiv (Economic crises in Historical Perspective), 7,5 hp (PEH14) | Autumn, Internet/Distans 


Teori och metod, 15,0 hp (EKHK30) VT

Kandidatuppsats, 15,0 hp (EKHK31) VT

Field Work/Internship and Research Overview, 15,0 credit points (EKHK17)
For Bachelors in Development Studies only.

Bachelors Thesis in Development Studies SGUTV, 15,0 credit points (EKHK18)
For Bachelors in Development Studies only.

Research Design, Methods and Data Collection, 15,0 credit points (EOSE11) Spring
For Economy and Society programme only.

Bachelor's Thesis​​​​​​​, 15,0 credit points (EOSK12, ) Spring
For Economy and Society programme only. 

Kurser på avancerad nivå

Development of Emerging Economies, 7,5 credit points (EKHM61) Autumn 

The Global Economy and Long-term Economic Growth, 7,5 credit points (EKHM64) Autumn

Econometrics I, 7,5 credit points (EKHM65) Autumn
For master's programme students only.

Econometrics II, 7,5 credit points (EKHM66) Autumn
For master's programme students only.

Demographic Transitions, 7,5 credit points (EKHM68) Autumn

China and the Asia Pacific Economy, 7,5 credit points (EKHM70 ) Autumn

Economics of Innovation, 7,5 credit points (EKHM71 ) Autumn

Population and Living Standards, 7,5 credit points (EKHM72 ) Autumn

Research Design, 7,5  credit points (EKHM73 ) Autumn
For master's programme students only.

Quantifying Economc Growth over Time, 7,5 credit points (EKHM76 ) Autumn

Consequences of Demographic Change, 7,5 credit points (EKHM81 ) Spring

Human Capital in a Historical Perspective, 7,5 credit points (EKHM82 ) Spring

Institutions, Economic Growth and Equity, 7,5 credit points (EKHM84 ) Spring

Advanced Analysis of Economic Change, 7,5 credit points (EKHM87 ) Spring

Advanced Topics in Economic Demography - Historical Demography, 7,5 credit points (EKHT21)
For Economic Demography Track students only. 

Advanced Topics in Economic Demography - Data Management, 7,5 credit points (EKHT24)
For Economic Demography Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic Demography - Family and Health, 7,5 credit points (EKHT26) 
For Economic Demography Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic Demography - Geographical Information Systems for Economic History, 7,5 credit points (EKHT27)
For Economic Demography Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic History - History of Economic Thought, 7,5 credit points (EKHT31)
For Economic History Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic History - Research in Economic History: Archives, Primary Sources, Dataset.  7,5 credit points (EKHT34)
For Economic History Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic History - The History of Economic Inequality, 7,5 credit points (EKHT35)
For Economic History Track students only.

Advanced Topic: Agricultural Transformation in the Development Process, 7,5 credit points (EKHT41)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic Development - Explaining Growth and Inequality, 7,5 credit points  (EKHT42)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic Development - Theory and Practice of Money and Finance. 7,5 credit points (EKHT45)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic Development - The State in the Development Process.7,5 credit points (EKHT46)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Advanced Topics in EconomicDevelopment - Development Aid in Historical Perspective, 7,5 credit points (EKHT47)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Advanced Topics in Economic Development - Human Rights and Economic Development, 7,5 credit points (EKHT48)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Fieldwork, 15 credit points (EKHT55)
For Economic Development Track students only.

Innovative Practice in a Developing Country, 15 credit points (EKHT56 )
For Economic Development Track students only.

Internship, 15 credit points (EKHT90)
For master's programme students only.




Håkan Lobell
Programkoordinator, studievägledare

studievagledare [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se (studievagledare[at]ekh[dot]lu[dot]se)
master [at] ekh [dot] lu [dot] se (master[at]ekh[dot]lu[dot]se)

Telefon: +46 46 222 74 85

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