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Hossein Asgharian. Foto.

Hossein Asgharian


Hossein Asgharian. Foto.

A multivariate spatial econometrics model with an intra-location feedback effect


  • Nima Shariati Fokalaei
  • Hossein Asgharian

Summary, in English

In the spatial multivariate econometrics models, the relations are typically built for the between location dependencies, which is adopted from univariate case like SEM and SLM models. However, this does not allow for intra-location dependencies to be accounted directly. The weakness of the previous models is shown analytically and using examples. A new multivariate spatial econometric model is presented that accounts for a feedback effect between variables within the same location, called intra-location feedback effect, which was not considered before in this area. Model identification and other basic properties of the spatial multivariate econometrics model, and especially for the extended version, are established. Statistical inferences are presented using a proposed analytical method based on empirical precision matrix and also the maximum likelihood. Model validation for new data sets is discussed.


  • Nationalekonomiska institutionen
  • Statistiska institutionen






Konferens - annat


  • Economics
  • Probability Theory and Statistics

Conference name

International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics

Conference date

2016-12-09 - 2016-12-11

Conference place

Seville, Spain

