Paul Pierce

Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Talking The Talk but Not Walking the Walk : Is the Use of Sustainability Keywords in IS/IT Job Ads “Greenwashing”?
Paul Pierce, Odd Steen
(2024) , p.1-1
KonferensbidragDo IS Curricular Guidelines Match Employer Expectations in Swedish IS Job Ads?
Odd Steen, Paul Pierce
(2023) Information Systems Development: Information systems development, organizational aspects and societal trends (ISD 2023 Proceedings)
KonferensbidragFrom sustainability to thrivability: A novel framework for entrepreneurial ecosystems
Sara Moggi, Paul Pierce, Nicole Bernardi
(2022) International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 18 p.829-853
Artikel i tidskriftThe rise of sustainability in Italian wineries: key dimensions and practices
Sara Moggi, Alessandra Pagani, Paul Pierce
(2020) Impresa Progetto Electronic Journal of Management , p.1-20
Artikel i tidskriftSwedish undergraduate information systems curricula : A comparative study
Odd Steen, Paul Pierce
(2020) Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, 39 LNISO p.131-145
KonferensbidragAnalysis or intuition? Reframing the decision-making styles debate in technological settings
Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Paul Pierce
(2019) Management Decision, 58 p.129-145
Artikel i tidskriftUse of Electronic Medical Records in Academic Hospitals: limits and remedies
Armando Suppa, Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Alessandro Zardini, Paul Pierce
KonferensbidragIs the solution worse than the problem? The evolution of discourse in anti-vaccines online communities after the announcement of crackdown on vaccines regulation
Ludovico Bullini Orlandi, Paul Pierce, Alessandro Zardini
(2018) Organizing for Digital Economy: societies, communities and individuals
KonferensbidragStakeholder accountability through the world wide web : Insights from nonprofits
Gina Rossi, Sara Moggi, Paul Pierce, Chiara Leardini
(2018) Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, 24 p.85-96
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSmart cities as organizational fields : A framework for mapping sustainability-enabling configurations
Paul Pierce, Francesca Ricciardi, Alessandro Zardini
(2017) Sustainability, 9
Alessandro Zardini, Sara Moggi, Cecilia Rossignoli, Paul Pierce
KonferensbidragUsing Alliances to Cut the Learning Curve of ICT
Paul Pierce, Bo Andersson
(2016) Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 261 p.247-261
KonferensbidragThe other side of the coin: the e-government implementation in an Italian municipality
Zardini Alessandro, Paul Pierce, Cecilia Rossignoli, Sara Moggi
KonferensbidragUsing Alliances to Increase ICT Capabilities
Paul Pierce
(2013) Lund Studies in Economics and Management
DoktorsavhandlingFile-Sharing – A Threat to Intellectual Property Rights, or is the Music Industry Just Taking Us for a Spin?
Bo Andersson, Markus Lahtinen, Paul Pierce
(2009) ECIS 2008 Proceedings
KonferensbidragThe IS integration of Extended Value Chains from an Alliance perspective
Stefan Henningsson, Jonas Hedman, Paul Pierce
KonferensbidragWhy or Maybe Why Not Have an Alliance! - Case Studies of the Security Industry
Paul Pierce