Ellen Hillbom
Studierektor för forskarutbildningen, Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen, Professor

Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Can Sovereign ESG Help Guide Nation-States’ Transformative Change?
Rebeca Sanchez Enriquez, Ellen Hillbom, Andrés Palacio
(2025) Journal of Sustainable Development, 18 p.56-76
Artikel i tidskriftSustainability Transformation and the Transformative Capacity of Nation States: Implications of Innovation Policy
Cristina Chaminade, Clara Lea Dallaire-Fortier, Ellen Hillbom
(2024) Journal of Innovation Economics & Management , p.181-181
Artikel i tidskriftEconomic development during the height of colonialism, c. 1920-1960
Ellen Hillbom
(2024) Elgar Handbooks in Development , p.56-71
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAfrican Economies in the Late Colonial Period, c. 1945-1960
Ellen Hillbom
(2024) The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History
Del av eller Kapitel i bokIncome inequality and export-orinted commecialization in colonial Africa: Evidence from six countries
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt, Michiel de Haas, Federico Tadei
(2024) Economic History Review, 77 p.975-1004
Artikel i tidskriftHow do Small Island Developing States Meet the Sustainable Development Goals?
Ellen Hillbom, Andrés Palacio, Anna Tegunimataka
(2023) Journal of Sustainable Development, 16 p.17-37
Artikel i tidskriftRicing Fortunes : agricultural growth, farm intensification and paddy specialization in two Tanzanian villages
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Elibariki Msuya
(2021) Prosperity in Rural Africa? : Insights into Wealth, Assets and Poverty from Tanzania , p.237-257
Del av eller Kapitel i bokEwout Frankema and Anne Booth (eds.), Fiscal Capacity and the Colonial State in Asia and Africa, c. 1850-1960
Ellen Hillbom
(2021) The Low Countries Journal of Social and Economic History / Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis, 18 p.80-82
BokrecensionMeasuring historical inequality in Africa: What can we learn from social tables?
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt, Michiel de Haas, Federico Tadei
(2021) African Economic History Working Paper Series
Working paperRegional evidence of smallholder-based growth in Zambia's livestock sector
Sarah Alobo Loison, Ellen Hillbom
(2020) World Development Perspectives, 19
Artikel i tidskriftTax Bargaining, Fiscal Contract, and Fiscal Capacity in Ghana : A long-term perspective
Prince Young Aboagye, Ellen Hillbom
(2020) African Affairs, 119 p.177-202
Artikel i tidskriftThe Gendered Possibilities for Participating in Agricultural Intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa – a Longitudinal Perspective from Seven Regions in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia
Agnes Andersson Djurfeltd, Göran Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Aida Cuthbert Isinika, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, et al.
(2020) SSRN (Social Science Research Network)
PreprintRegistration of private interests in land in a community lands policy setting : An exploratory study in Meru district, Tanzania
Robin Biddulph, Ellen Hillbom
(2020) Land Use Policy, 99
Artikel i tidskriftThe Possibility of Developmental States in Africa
Ellen Hillbom
(2019) The Oxford Encyclopedia of African Politics
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAn economic history of development in sub-Saharan Africa : Economic Transformations and Political Changes
Ellen Hillbom, Erik Green
BokIs there such a thing as sustainable agricultural intensification in smallholder-based farming in sub-Saharan Africa? Understanding yield differences in relation to gender in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Aida C. Isinika, Miriam Dalitso Kalanda Joshua, et al.
(2019) Development Studies Research, 6 p.62-75
Artikel i tidskrift"The family farms together, the decisions, however are made by the man" -Matrilineal land tenure systems, welfare and decision making in rural Malawi
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom, Wapulumuka O. Mulwafu, Peter Mvula, Göran Djurfeldt
(2018) Land Use Policy, 70 p.601-610
Artikel i tidskriftInequality in Federation: Long-term inequality trends for Colonial Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe 1910-1965
Jutta Bolt, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragInitial Conditions and Agricultural Development in Zambia, 1915-2015
Ellen Hillbom, Samuel Jenkin
(2018) Palgrave Studies in Economic History , p.153-178
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPolicies or Prices? A Gendered Analysis of Drivers of Maize Production in Malawi and Zambia, 2002–13
Martin Prowse, Ellen Hillbom
(2018) Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa , p.177-195
Del av eller Kapitel i bokBotswana – A Modern Economic History : an African diamond in the rough
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
(2018) Palgrave Studies in Economic History
BokDeclining inequality in the midst of diamond-led growth? Trends in Botswana’s income inequality and sectorial change, c. 1966-2016
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragLong-term trends in economic inequality : Lessons from colonial Botswana, 1921-74
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
(2016) Economic History Review, 69 p.1255-1284
Artikel i tidskriftPro-poor agricultural growth – Inclusion or differentiation? Village level perspectives from Zambia
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom
(2016) Geoforum, 75 p.220-233
Artikel i tidskriftEndogenous processes of Colonial Settlement : The success and failure of European settler farming in sub-Saharan Africa*
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
(2016) Revista de Historia Economica, 34 p.237-265
Artikel i tidskriftThe Right To Water : An Inquiry into Legal Empowerment and Property Rights Formation in Tanzania1
Ellen Hillbom
(2016) The Legal Empowerment Agenda : Poverty, Labour and the Informal Economy in Africa , p.193-214
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMaize is life! But can we find any benefit from it? : Maize, Diversification and Gender in Malawi and Zambia, 2002-2013
Ellen Hillbom, Martin Prowse
Konferens - annatDeclining income inequality in the midst of Botswana’s diamond-led growth
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
Konferens - annatMaize for the Mines : The shaping of Zambia’s agricultural sector c. 1915-2015
Ellen Hillbom, Samuel Jenkin
Konferens - annatPotential for Diversification? The Role of the Formal Sector in Bechuanaland Protectorate's Economy, 1900-65
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
(2015) Economic History of Developing Regions, 30 p.95-124
Artikel i tidskriftThe political economy of Tanzania: decline and recovery
Ellen Hillbom
(2015) Economic History Review, 68 p.763-764
Bokrecension’Social structures and income distribution in colonial sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1921-1974
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragBotswana: Caught in a natural resource trap
Ellen Hillbom
(2015) Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Learning from History , p.77-99
Del av eller Kapitel i bokWet land agriculture, low technology irrigation and agricultural production in Africa : A study of dambos and dimbas in Malawi
Ellen Hillbom
Konferens - annatChanging income inequality and structural transformation: The case of Botswana 1921-2010
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
(2015) WIDER Working Paper, 2015/028
Working paperFrom millet to tomatoes: incremental intensification with high-value crops in contemporary Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(2014) Journal of Eastern African Studies, 8 p.400-419
Artikel i tidskriftCattle, Diamonds and Institutions: Main drivers of Botswana's economic development, 1850 to present
Ellen Hillbom
(2014) Journal of International Development, 26 p.155-176
Artikel i tidskriftPathdependency in the historical flow of labour migration
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
Konferens - annatSuccess and Failure of European Settler Farming in Colonial Africa
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
(2014) African Economic History Network Working Paper Series
Working paperChanging income inequality and structural transformation: The case of Botswana 1921-2010
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
KonferensbidragThe Kuznets Curve in contemporary Africa: Changing income inequality and structural transformation in Botswana, 1936-2010
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
KonferensbidragSocial Structures, Standards of Living, and Income Distribution in Colonial Bechuanaland Protectorate
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
KonferensbidragFinancial Institutions in an Embryonic Agricultural Transformation Process: The case of contemporary Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(2013) Agricultural Transformation in a Global History Perspective , p.184-205
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSuccess and Failure of European Settler Farming in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragSocial Structures, Standards of Living, and Income Distribution in Colonial Bechuanaland Protectorate
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragThe possibilities and challenges for gender neutral pro-poor agricultural growth in Malawi and Zambia
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragSocial Structures and Income Distribution in Colonial sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Bechuanaland Protectorate 1936-1964
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragWelfare, Inequality And Extraction In Colonial Bechuanaland Protectorate
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt
KonferensbidragAgricultural Transformation in a Global History Perspective
(2013) Routledge Explorations in Economic History
Ewout Frankema, Ellen Hillbom
(2013) The History of African Development
Del av eller Kapitel i bokThe History of African Development
BokIndigenous Real Wages and Standards of Living in Colonial Bechuanaland Protectorate, 1900-1960
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
Ellen Hillbom, Patrick Svensson
(2013) Agricultural Transformation in a Global History Perspective , p.1-25
Del av eller Kapitel i bokSocial Structures and Income Distribution in Colonial sub-Saharan Africa. The Case of Bechuanaland Protectorate 1936-1964
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom
(2013) Lund Papers in Economic History. Development Economics
Working paperHow Many Peopla are too Many People?
Ellen Hillbom
(2013) The History of African Development
Del av eller Kapitel i bokMeasuring colonial extraction - An endeavor to identify social classes in colonial Zimbabwe
Martin Andersson, Tobias Axelsson, Erik Green, Christer Gunnarsson, Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragMarket institutions benefiting smallholders in contemporary Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(2012) Journal of Modern African Studies, 50 p.657-679
Artikel i tidskriftAssessing the role of property rights and legal empowerment in poverty reduction
Ellen Hillbom, David Alm, Andreas Inghammar, Yahia Mahmoud
(2012) International Social Science Journal, 63
Artikel i tidskriftBotswana: A development-oriented gate-keeping state
Ellen Hillbom
(2012) African Affairs, 111 p.67-89
Artikel i tidskriftWhen water is from God: formation of property rights governing communal irrigation furrows in Meru, Tanzania, c. 1890-2011
Ellen Hillbom
(2012) Journal of Eastern African Studies, 6 p.423-443
Artikel i tidskriftBotswana: A Development-Oriented Gate-Keeping state - A Reply to Ian Taylor
Ellen Hillbom
(2012) African Affairs, 111 p.477-482
Artikel i tidskriftMoving Forward in African Economic History: Bridging the gap between methods and sources
Morten Jerven, Gareth Austin, Erik Green, Chibuike Uche, Ewout Frankema, et al.
(2012) African Economic History Network Working Paper Series
Working paperA Reversal of Botswana’s Fortune? Interacting institutions and factor endowments, c. 1840-2012’
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragMoving Forward in African Economic History : Bridging the gap between methods and sources
Ellen Hillbom, Ewout Frankema, Erik Green, Morten Jerven, Gareth Austin, et al.
Konferens - annatFarm Intensification and Milk Market Expansion in Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(2011) African Studies Review, 54 p.145-165
Artikel i tidskriftThe Right to Water: An inquiry into legal empowerment and property rights formation in Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(2011) Poverty, Labour and the Informal Economy in Africa: An agenda for ‘legal empowerment' , p.193-214
Del av eller Kapitel i bokWhen Water is from God: Rationales for property rights formation in Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragInstitutions, Equity and Distribution of Resources in Kgatleng District, Botswana
Ellen Hillbom
(2010) Development Southern Africa, 27
Artikel i tidskriftStruggle for Water : An inquiry into legal empowerment and property rights formation in Meru area, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragInstitutional Continuity and Change: A century of smallholders' water rights in Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragThe Right to Water: An inquery into legal empowerment and property rights formation in Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(2010) Poverty, Labour and the Informal Economy in Africa: An agenda for 'legal empowerment'
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAgricultural development and the distribution of water resources in Kgatleng District, Botswana
Ellen Hillbom
(2010) Development Southern Africa, 27 p.413-427
Artikel i tidskriftConsensus Building through Democracy: An inquiry into democratic ideals, basic values and academic leadership within Lund University
Mattias Alveteg, Ellen Hillbom
(2010) AKKA III - Ledarutvecklingsprogram för kvinnor och män vid Lunds universitet 2008-2009
Del av eller Kapitel i bokPrincipal Trends and Debates in African Agriculture Development
Erik Green, Ellen Hillbom, Mattias Lindgren
KonferensbidragFrom Millet to Tomatoes: Productivity increase by means of instrocuding high value agricultural products in Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragContinuity and Change in Water Rights : 100 years of legal and economic constraints for smallholders in Meru, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
Konferens - annatDiamonds or development? A structural assessment of Botswana's forty years of success
Ellen Hillbom
(2008) Journal of Modern African Studies, 46 p.191-214
Artikel i tidskriftEquity and Distribution of Water Resources in Kgatleng District, Botswana
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragBotswana : A Developmental State or a Benevolent Chieftainship
Ellen Hillbom
Konferens - annatSecurity - A First Priority. The Strength of Communal Property Rights Systems Governing Water in Contemporary sub-Saharan Africa
Ellen Hillbom
(2007) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paperAn Investigation Into Informal Property Rights Institutions Governing Water Resources
Ellen Hillbom
Konferens - annatTo Have and to Hold: Continuity and change in property rights institutions governing water resources among the Meru of Tanzania and the BaKgatla in Botswana; 1925-2000
Ellen Hillbom
(2003) Lund Studies in Economic History, 28
DoktorsavhandlingAcquiring and Defending Water Rights : Problems with analysing property rights institutions governing water resources in rural Sub-Saharan Africa
Ellen Hillbom
Konferens - annatCreating a methodological Framework for Analysing Property Rights Institutions
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragUsing Property Rights Theory and Elinor Ostrom When Interpreting Ownership and Management of Water in Rural Kgatleng District, Botswana
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragWho is Wasting the Water? Economic implications of the change in water rights for cattle holders in Botswana
Ellen Hillbom
KonferensbidragSmall Holder Dairy Farming - An Aspect of Farm Intensification. The case of Arumeru District, Tanzania
Ellen Hillbom
(1996) Lund Papers in Economic History
Working paper